1988 Honda Shadow VT-1100 C, Bydgoszcz, Poland
100 piece Classic
Marine Composition
Dachshund Puppy and Ragdoll Kitten
Maltese Lapdog Sailor
Cartoon Submarine under the Sea
Pirate Ship and Treasure Island
50 piece Classic
Corvair Monza 1964
Stormy Weather
Shipping in a Tempestuous Sea
Naval Affairs
South Korean Seamen
Island of Burano, Venice, Italy
150 piece Classic
USS Midway Museum in San Diego
Treasure Island
Lymington, Hampshire, England
La Bretagne
Pirate Island
At Sea in Rough Waters
Sailor Kitten
A Pirate and a Sailor
Saving the Shipwrecked Sailors
Sailor Dolls
Canal in Venice
Two Beaglier Puppies
Tall Ships Races in Lisbon, Portugal
Trimming the Sails
Old Sailor in the Netherlands
Vintage Aircraft
1954 Chevrolet Ad
F-4 Phantom on USS Midway
Boat Trip
Navy Sailor Directing an F-18 Hornet
Buoys at the Docks
Off Falmouth
National Salute to Bob Hope and the Military
USS Midway in Downtown San Diego
Tall Ships
Two Young Pirates
USS Constitution engaging HMS Guerriere
Sailing the High Seas
200 piece Classic
Ulm Fishermen's Quarter, Germany
The Shark
1962, Friendship 7 Recovery
Shrine to Sailors in Sicily
Signaling the Launch
Fresh Produce