Falcon - London Bridge, London, England
50 piece Classic
Photo: Keven Law
Transformation into a Hotel Room, Thailand
Old Gas Station in Arizona, USA
150 piece Classic
Red Old Car in Prague, Czech Republic
100 piece Classic
1929 Ford Model A Fordor Sedan
Old Aircraft
Hackberry General Store, Route 66, Arizona
Abandoned Gas Station, Shoshone CA, USA
Vintage Steam Tractor in Gervais, Oregon
Abandoned Truck in Florida
Route 66, Seligman, Arizona
Route 66 Decorations, Seligman AZ
Antique Pick Up Truck in Honolulu, Hawaii
Rusty Old Truck, Bodie State Historic Park
Old Fire Truck in Gold Point, Nevada
Rusty Vintage Watches
Carpenter Tools
Old Chevy in Cody Creek, North Carolina
Hackberry General Store on Route 66
Bob's Gasoline Alley, Route 66
Gas Station, Brooks, Oregon
Vintage Suitcases
Lime Vespa, Pitigliano, Italy
Route 66, Hackberry, Arizona
Ford Model A, Route 66, Hackberry AZ
Antique Tin Toy Plane
Flower Cart
Rusty Old Engine
Wild West
Hanging Out with the Flowers
The Forgotten Veteran
Wine Press